Thomas Mills
16 Gate Lane
Old Bridge, NJ 08857
Cell: 732.778.5762
Home: 732.656.1437
Professional Summary
Thomas Mills’ background is ideally suited for providing a wide variety of Systems level technical expertise relating to IBM’s WebSphere MQSeries middleware product including MQSI, WBIFN, and security aspects.
· Expert with IBM WebSphere MQSeries middleware on various hardware platforms including z/OS, Sun Solaris, Linux, AIX, and Windows.
· Expert in MQSeries security administration including MQ object level security and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) implementation.
· Excellent problem determination and research skills.
· Expert with MQSeries installation, monitoring, and problem determination.
· Provide application design and architecture of large-scale MQSeries implementations using QSG’s (Queue Sharing Groups) and clustering to ensure high availability.
· Proficiency with IBM’s Candle Command Center for MQSeries monitoring.
· Highly proficient with CICS/TS problem determination, tuning, and integration with MQSeries.
Professional Experience
Senior MQ Systems Administrator, AVP; Global MQ Systems Support Group
01/2000 to Present
· Primary responsibilities include overall MQSeries application support, administration and implementation of MQ based security, and overall MQ Systems architecture and design.
· Created a standard for all Citigroup global data centers for implementing SSL. Implemented SSL and digital certificates on z/OS, Solaris, and Windows based MQ environments.
· Created a standard model for all Citigroup global data centers for implementing MQ object security. This includes all MQ object security components.
· Migrate to new releases of MQ, which has included versions 2.0 to 5.1, 5.1 to 5.3, and most recently, 5.3.0 to 5.3.1.
· Evaluate and implement various IBM MQ support packs.
· Installed MQSI on CSD 2.0 and most recently migrated to CSD 5.0.
· Responsible for the MQ component for the Citigroup technology Intranet website. This has included coding in HTML and JavaScript. Use Dreamweaver, PVCS, Samba, and other tools to assist with development.
· Work with MQClient, which includes installing new versions on Solaris servers using Java, JMS (Java Messaging Service), or C/C++ for MQ.
· Wrote MQ channel exit to intercept IP address and deny connectivity to the z/OS MQ environment based on IP address.
· Currently working on an MQ channel exit that will limit the number of connections any one MQ server connection channel can have. Both channel exits are written in C++.
· Provide overall application support, which includes design reviews, implementation of MQ objects to support the application, live support, and troubleshooting problems.
· Implemented MQ Clustering between z/OS MQ and Solaris MQ.
· Developed special procedures for MQ in relation to Disaster Recovery, which includes a program that executes and builds a script to prevent any IP, based channels from external connection; clear any messages on queues, and to handle MQ Clustering.
10/1988 to 12/1999
Systems Engineer, ISG Systems Engineering; Health Services Division
07/1996 to 12/1999
· Provide technical support to Siemens ICO customer base. This is primarily, but not limited to, those sites running Siemens INVISION, EAD, LCR, and SIGNATURE on an IBM mainframe platform.
· Install, maintain, customize, and migrate from CICS/ESA 2.1 to CICS/ESA 4.1 and CICS Transaction Server 1.3.
· Implementation and customization of TCP/IP for use on IBM Mainframe. Conversion of SNA access to CICS to TCP/IP.
· Installation of MVS LOGGER facilities as required for CICS Transaction Server.
· Expert in CICS/Transaction Server with all aspects including installation, customization, migration from CICS/ESA 4.1, tuning, problem determination, and CWS (CICS Web Services and JAVA HTML).
· Use TMON/CICS, Omegamon, and CICS/Mainview for immediate problem determination.
· Apply maintenance updates to CICS, OS390, DB2, and OEM products using SMP/E.
· DFSMS implementation and customization by ICO site. Also wrote detailed implementation procedures.
· OS390 migration support and coordination including Technical Project Management, migration, customization, OEM product installation, and coordination of resources.
· Batch cycle tuning of Siemens Invision, EAD, and Signature Dayend flows. This includes using wide variety of tools (SAS, RMF, and STROBE).
· Assist ICO customer’s with application of Siemens application software updates.
· Strong proficiency level with HTML, DHTML, and JavaScript.
CICS Systems Programmer, RCO CICS Transaction Systems
10/1991 to 07/1996
· Provided full technical support to over 500 RCO hospital environments running on 410 production, 200 development, and 200 test CICS environments.
· Coordinated, installed, and migrated all RCO CICS environments from CICS/ESA 1.7 to 2.1, CICS/ESA 2.1 to 3.3, and CICS/ESA 3.3 to 4.1.
· Perform all aspects of problem determination including SVC and transaction dump analysis using IPCS.
· Used Omegamon/CICS and TMON/CICS for immediate problem determination.
· Install OEM products supporting CICS including Omegamon/CICS, TMON/CICS, Expeditor, and ADS (Advanced Debugging System).
Specialist Systems Programmer, Siemens Technical Support
10/1988 to 10/1991
· Provided full range of technical support for all Siemens ICO customers. This included wide range of technical support at systems and application level.
· System level support of CICS, MVS, VTAM, DB2, and any other system level component that would fail.
· Application level support of Siemens product lines; INVISION, EAD, SIGNATURE, and HDX.
Hospital, Columbus, OH:
07/1996 to 10/1988
Supervised Operations staff and provided training and
Developed and implemented process improvements which
resulted in reduced downtime in batch processing.
· Wrote procedures for automation of Operations procedures.
Steel Corporation, Cleveland, OH:
01/1981 to 10/1988
Performed Computer Operations on IBM 370 and 4381 mainframe
· AAS, Computer Science, Delaware College, Media, PA.
· B.S, Information Technology, University of Phoenix.
Hardware and Software Proficiencies:
· Extremely proficient with z/OS and all IBM mainframe hardware platforms and Operating Systems.
· Highly proficient in Linux, Solaris, and Unix Operating Systems running on various hardware platforms.
· Proficient in many programming and scripting languages including: Assembler, Cobol, C/C++, Java/JMS, and Rexx/CLIST/ISPF interface. Included with programming languages is MQSC command interface, ISPF interface; CICS command level interface, and DB2 interface.
· Highly proficient in HTML and JavaScript.
· Highly proficient in many OEM vendor products for system monitoring and analysis including BMC Mainview, Omegamon, IBM/Candle Command Center, Tivoli, and various IBM tools (IPCS, ISMF, SMPE, RACF, etc.)